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+62 851-7544-2708

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Sleman, Yogyakarta 55573

Our History

About Us


The Indonesian Environmental Resilience Foundation, abbreviated as the Relung Indonesia Foundation, was established in Jakarta since 2018 and ratified by notary Kokoh Henry, SH., MKn through Deed No.27 dated August 27, 2018, and affirmed by Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No.AHU-0011620.AH.01.04 Year 2018. Since its establishment, the Relung Indonesia Foundation has centered its vision on the environment, natural resource management, and rural economy of Indonesia.

Relung Indonesia represents the metamorphosis of the Relung Institute for Education and Community Empowerment, which has been actively engaged at the grassroots level since 2000, thus possessing a sufficiently complex working experience at the grassroots level. Relung Indonesia is dedicated to raising awareness and concern among various stakeholders regarding the sustainability of natural systems that serve as the foundation of human life on Earth.

These natural systems encompass climate, hydrology, food chains, energy cycles, natural fertility systems, and others. These systems tend to be overlooked by humans and ultimately have led to disasters for humanity itself. Relung Indonesia strives to develop a harmonious and dynamic relationship between humans and nature.


The Harmonious and Dynamic Relationship between Humans and Nature

The concept of a harmonious, dynamic relationship between humans and nature aims to achieve an evolving balance between the two over time. However, assuming that the existing relationship between humans and nature will consistently revert to a new, repeating equilibrium is no longer sufficient. This is because humans often excessively exploit nature, resulting in a prolonged recovery period for nature. During this timeframe, there exists a dynamic interplay between humans and nature.

A new approach is needed to guide the existing dynamics towards a harmonious state between humans and nature. One primary approach chosen by Relung is Regenerative-Resilience, which involves the capacity to learn and evolve when confronted with the dynamics of change. This approach is manifested through efforts to restore damaged environmental systems, enhance community well-being, and collaboratively maintain environmental balance. Relung views humans as part of the natural environment and promotes responsible treatment of the environment while avoiding excessive exploitation of natural resources.


Achieving Regenerative Resilience in Society and the Environment through:

Strengthening Environmental Resilience

Promoting sustainable practices in natural resource and environmental management, including the restoration of damaged ecosystems, conservation of biodiversity, and climate change mitigation.

Development of Regenerative Economy

Encouraging increased community well-being while simultaneously fostering positive environmental impacts through nature-based solutions such as agroforestry practices, the development of more environmentally friendly knowledge and techniques, innovation and reinforcement of community economic institutions, value addition, capacity development for climate change adaptation, promotion of social inclusion and gender equality in decision-making, and the implementation of sustainable programs.

Building Partnerships for Sustainability

Creating robust partnerships with the government, private sector, and civil society to achieve common goals in attaining sustainability. This mission also aims to cultivate sustainable knowledge among stakeholders through participatory means.

Fortunately, nature is amazingly resilient: places we have destroyed, given time and help, can once again support life, and endangered species can be given a second chance. And there is a growing number of people, especially young people, who are aware of these problems and are fighting for the survival of our only home, Planet Earth. We must all join that fight before it is too late.”

Dr. Jane Goodall

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