Email Address

Phone Number

+62 851-7544-2708

Our Location

Sleman, Yogyakarta 55573

Our Program


Environmental Education and Climate Awareness

Environmental Education and Climate Awareness are crucial efforts aimed at enhancing society’s understanding and awareness of environmental issues and climate change. Through processes involving information dissemination, learning, and experiential engagement, the primary goal is to empower individuals and communities to take sustainable actions to protect the environment and address the challenges of climate change. Environmental Education encompasses the transfer of knowledge about ecology, resource conservation, and sustainable principles, while Climate Awareness focuses on understanding the impacts of climate change and ways to reduce carbon footprint. Together, they work synergistically to cultivate a more conscious and committed society towards environmental sustainability. Thus, this approach can yield significant positive effects in safeguarding our planet.

What are we doing


Community Ecological Education

Penanaman 4

Digital Climate Action

Penanaman 6

Climate Movement

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Knowledge Hub

Contact Info


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