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Strengthening the Sustainable Program of Alam Sehat Lestari Foundation (ASRI) Through Capacity Building and Knowledge Enrichment

Community Ecological Education

Alam Sehat Lestari (ASRI) has pioneered reforestation efforts and conservation, serving as an agent of change by providing healthcare services and creating alternative livelihood opportunities for communities around Gunung Palung National Park and Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park. ASRI has developed programs covering four main areas: health, conservation, education, and replication to sustain the livelihoods of communities around the forests.

ASRI provides affordable and quality healthcare services, integrating them with conservation efforts. ASRI has provided services to 32,006 patients (89,145 visits) from 2007 to mid-2019 through this program. An important innovation introduced by ASRI is the option of alternative payment, allowing patients to pay for healthcare services in ways that support forest conservation and reforestation. The educational program of ASRI aims to save forests and lives by providing understanding to communities about the importance of conservation.

ASRI recognizes the importance of enhancing the capacity and knowledge of its staff to strengthen its programs. Relung Indonesia had the opportunity to facilitate ASRI in launching capacity-building initiatives for its staff. The capacity-building activities aimed to delve into critical aspects of maintaining the sustainability of ASRI programs, including strategies for developing livelihoods for communities living around the forests.

Relung Indonesia guided ASRI staff to gain an in-depth understanding of the Sustainable Livelihood Approach (SLA), a primary approach to understanding and enhancing sustainable livelihoods. They also learned about the basic concepts of the Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI) and its analysis techniques. They also gained insights into community-based business planning, including developing sustainable business models and community product marketing strategies. This capacity-building initiative has instilled renewed enthusiasm within ASRI to develop more sustainable programs that positively impact local communities.


Yudistira Soeherman

“Wisdom is merely the preparation of the soul, the capacity, the secret art of thinking, feeling, and breathing the spirit of unity at every moment in life.”

-Hermann Hesse

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Community Ecological Education
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