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+62 851-7544-2708
Sleman, Yogyakarta 55573
February 27, 2024
Coastal and mangrove ecosystems are crucial ecosystems that need to be conserved and sustainably managed. The condition of coastal areas and mangroves greatly influences the condition and quality of marine ecosystems. Mangroves protect the sea from the risk of excessive sedimentation in productive shallow water zones. They are also important for protecting land from the risks of erosion and seawater intrusion.
Polluted beaches and rivers, along with diminishing vegetation, will ultimately harm humans themselves because the quality of river and beach environments significantly determines the condition of the ecosystem and the life of marine biota. Since 2004, activists from RELUNG Indonesia have been paying attention to and taking real action regarding the condition of these aquatic ecosystems, especially in terms of beach revegetation and mangrove development in estuarine ecosystems along the southern coast of Yogyakarta and Central Java. This is manifested in mangrove planting in river estuaries such as the Opak River Estuary, the Bogowonto River Estuary, and the backswamp ecosystem between the Bogowonto River (Kulon Progo) and the Jali River (Purworejo) over approximately 12 km. This program was initiated by research on planting Avicennia Sp. in the Opak River Estuary, Bantul Regency. Because it proved to be effective, intensive planting was then conducted from 2006 to 2008 in a wider area extending to Central Java, supported by the Toyota Eco-grant program. At least, this initiative has resulted in 500 ha of mangrove and beach forest stands after 10 years.
In developing this program, the RELUNG Foundation also encourages various parties such as youth organizations, local government agencies, village governments, private sectors, universities, and communities to collectively care for the preservation of coastal ecosystems. Thus, after 2010, many parties have participated in this program. Since 2015 until now, the local community has been able to utilize the results of this mangrove planting as attractions and natural tourism objects.
Akhmad Arief Fahmi
“This is how God bestows upon us the beauty of nature, the blue sea with white sand juxtaposed with the greenery of the mangrove forest. All of these are given freely to mankind, may we be willing to preserve them.”
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