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February 28, 2024
In 2003, an initiative to plant mangroves began in the Opak River Estuary, Baros Hamlet, Tirtohargo, Kretek, Bantul. This project was initiated by the NGO Relung, which has now transformed into the Relung Indonesia Foundation, in collaboration with the local community and local youth organizations. Initially, planting was carried out in locations vulnerable to seasonal floods around the Opak Estuary, with an initial area of 2.1 hectares. Today, this initiative has developed with the support of many parties into a sprawling mangrove area of 26 hectares.
The main goal of this initiative is to mitigate disasters and adapt to climate change. Mangroves act as wave and wind breakers, capable of reducing the impact of disasters such as floods and coastal erosion. Additionally, mangroves also play a role in absorbing carbon dioxide, one of the greenhouse gases that cause climate change.
In 2014, the local government recognized the importance of this initiative by issuing Regent’s Decree Number 284 of 2014, which designated the mangrove area in Baros Hamlet as a Coastal Conservation Park Reserve. The Baros mangrove forest area was designated as a conservation area with a total area of 132 hectares, divided into three zones: core zone (10 ha), other zones (94 ha), and limited utilization zone (28 ha). The mangroves found in the Baros Coastal Conservation Park Reserve include 5 species, namely Avicennia sp., Rhizophora sp., Bruguiera sp., and Nypa fruticans. There is also Sonneratia caseolaris, which is a native species that grows in the area. Generally, the composition is Avicennia sp. 60%, Rhizophora sp. 20%, Bruguiera sp. 10%, and Nypa 10%. In addition to the benefits in disaster mitigation and climate change adaptation, the mangrove planting initiative by the Relung Indonesia Foundation also benefits the local community. Mangroves provide habitat for various species of flora and fauna, supporting biodiversity. Additionally, mangroves also provide a source of income for the local community, both from fishing and the potential for ecotourism. This area is now a tourist destination with its enchanting natural beauty.
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Meiardhy Mujianto
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