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Community Resilience and Disaster Preparedness

Development of Social Networks and Cooperation

Indonesia faces a high and diverse potential for disasters, including natural disasters, human-induced disasters, and complex emergencies. These potential disasters include earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, landslides, droughts, wildfires, urban fires, storms, disease outbreaks, technological failures, and social conflicts. These disaster potentials can be categorized into primary hazards and secondary hazards. Primary hazards include earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and floods. Secondary hazards are related to the secondary impacts of primary disasters. All of these potentials emphasize the importance of planning, mitigation, preparedness, and effective response to reduce the risks and losses that may arise from disasters in Indonesia.

The Disaster Management Law (Law No. 24 of 2007) regulates disaster management programs and activities as well as disaster risk reduction (DRR), which consists of:

  1. Prevention and Mitigation, aimed at avoiding disasters and reducing the risks posed.
  2. Preparedness, to anticipate the possibility of disasters to avoid casualties and losses.
  3. Emergency Response, Recovery, and Reconstruction, covering emergency response activities during disasters, recovery, and post-disaster reconstruction.

All of these activities aim to reduce disaster risks, improve community preparedness, and better recover from disasters.

Relung Indonesia has proposed ideas regarding community resilience and disaster preparedness. This is an important aspect in the development of community assistance programs. Activities carried out include:

  1. Knowledge and Skills: The mentoring program can provide training and education to the community on environmentally friendly and sustainable agricultural practices. Agricultural techniques that can reduce the risk of disasters, such as good water management, integrated farming systems, and natural pest control practices.

  2. Risk Understanding: Communities are given a better understanding of potential disasters that may occur in their areas, such as floods, droughts, landslides, or pest attacks. With this understanding, they can identify risks and take appropriate preventive measures.

  3. Preparedness Planning: Mentoring programs can help communities plan and prepare themselves for disasters. This includes creating emergency response plans, mapping available resources, and providing necessary evacuation training.

  4. Infrastructure Strengthening: Program activities also strengthen agricultural infrastructure to increase resilience to disasters. This includes developing irrigation systems that can withstand droughts.

  5. Agricultural Business Diversification: Mentoring programs encourage farmers to diversify their agricultural businesses to reduce the risk of crop loss due to specific disasters. By developing various types of crops or developing livestock as an additional source of income.

  6. Community Involvement: It is important to involve the community in the program development, including in the planning and decision-making processes. To ensure their ownership and involvement, and to ensure that the program meets local needs and conditions.

Relung Indonesia integrates community resilience and disaster preparedness into the development of community mentoring programs because it is a crucial step in improving welfare and livelihood sustainability in disaster-prone areas.


Sunaring Kurniandaru

“Natural disasters are a reminder for us that we must pay more attention to the balance of nature and pay more attention to humanity.”


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Development of Social Networks and Cooperation
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