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March 18, 2024
The coffee industry has become one of the most important agricultural sectors, making a significant contribution to the economy of farming communities. Coffee farmers in various regions are constantly striving to improve the quality of their production to compete in the global market. For coffee farmers, deep and up-to-date knowledge of coffee cultivation is key to their success in producing high-quality coffee beans.
Relung Indonesia has played a significant role in promoting innovation and sustainability in the coffee industry. One of Relung Indonesia’s initiatives is to facilitate representatives of coffee farmers belonging to the Women Farmers Group in Petungkriyono District to conduct a study visit on coffee cultivation to the Self-Reliant Agriculture and Rural Training Center (P4S) Amrih Mulyo Muncar in Temanggung. This study visit took place on Wednesday and Thursday, September 27-28, 2024, with participants including representatives of the Women Farmers Group in Dampingan Village, Petungkriyono District, and the village head.
P4S Amrih Mulyo Muncar is a strategic location to gain insights into improving the quality and productivity of coffee farming. Visiting P4S provides a golden opportunity for coffee farmers to explore the latest technology, sustainable farming practices, and innovations in coffee cultivation. Through the study visit, coffee farmers can delve deeper into aspects such as land management, the use of organic fertilizers, and the application of modern coffee farming technology such as grafting techniques. The study visit not only provides new knowledge but also strengthens the commitment of coffee farmers to sustainability in coffee cultivation.
The importance of the study visit is not limited to knowledge and skills enhancement but also extends to expanding networks and collaborations. Coffee farmers can build relationships with fellow farmers and stakeholders at the training center, opening up opportunities for sustainable cooperation in knowledge and technology exchange. Through discussions and interactions with successful coffee farmers, study visit participants can understand the daily challenges and successful strategies that can be adopted in their own contexts.
Relung Indonesia hopes that this study visit will have a direct positive impact on the quality and productivity of coffee produced by the Women Farmers Group by adopting the excellent practices learned from the training center. It is expected that farmers can increase their harvest yields and improve the quality of their coffee beans, bringing greater economic benefits to group members, and that study visit participants can share the knowledge and insights into coffee cultivation gained during the study visit with other coffee farmers in Petungkriyono.
This study visit not only provides knowledge to coffee farmers but also paves the way for sustainability in the Indonesian coffee industry. By connecting local innovation with sustainable farming practices, a strong foundation will be laid for a brighter future for Indonesian coffee farmers. The study visit is not just about following footsteps but also about paving new paths towards progress in sustainable coffee cultivation.
Fadhli Addifa Firdaus
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-Wayne Huizenga
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