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+62 851-7544-2708
Sleman, Yogyakarta 55573
March 15, 2024
Coffee is a commodity that plays a significant role in the global economy and the livelihoods of millions of farmers worldwide. The demand for coffee continues to rise over time. Sumatra coffee, including Tanggamus Coffee, is a leading commodity that contributes significantly to the local economy. However, the coffee supply chain in Tanggamus faces various challenges that threaten the sustainability of production and the well-being of farmers. One of the main challenges faced is environmental degradation due to unsustainable farming practices, such as deforestation and chemical pesticides. Additionally, socio-economic aspects such as labor exploitation, low wages, and gender inequality are also issues that need to be addressed in the coffee supply chain.
Based on the complexity of these challenges, Relung Indonesia, with the Penabulu Foundation and funding from the Rainforest Alliance, conducted a study exploring the actual and potential impacts of the coffee supply chain in Tanggamus District, providing valuable insights to formulate strategies and policies that can enhance the sustainability of coffee production and the well-being of Tanggamus farmers.
This study has revealed significant fluctuations in coffee production and productivity, as well as various socio-economic aspects affecting the sustainability of coffee farming. Efforts that can be made include implementing sustainable and inclusive coffee farming practices and developing responsible supply chain systems. Coffee companies and other organizations are increasingly adopting sustainable coffee production and marketing practices. Concrete steps are needed, including training and education for farmers, infrastructure development, broader financial access, and strengthening social networks, to improve farmers’ quality of life and economic resilience. Economic and environmental sustainability in the Tanggamus coffee supply chain requires strong collaboration between the government, companies, non-governmental organizations, farmers, and communities (youth and women). Only through coordinated collective efforts can we ensure that coffee production remains sustainable and inclusive while protecting the environment and enhancing the welfare of coffee farmers.
Yudistira Soeherman
“The ultimate goal of farming is not just to grow crops, but to sustain life.”
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