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+62 851-7544-2708
Sleman, Yogyakarta 55573
April 24, 2024
Agroforestry, also known as wanatani, is a form of resource management that combines forest or timber management activities with the cultivation of commodities or short-term crops, such as agricultural or plantation crops. The key characteristics of agroforestry are as follows:
Agroforestry, or mixed gardens often referred to as agroforestry, is crucial to be developed and maintained in rural areas. Several reasons why agroforestry needs to be developed include maintaining economic resilience and farmer independence related to food, energy, and industrial raw materials within one area. Secondly, it is related to environmental protection, where agroforestry areas can play a role in protecting biodiversity and protecting the physical conditions of the region/area, especially to prevent erosion and improve soil hydrology systems.
Meiardhy Mujianto
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