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Sleman, Yogyakarta 55573
August 11, 2024
Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora) is one of the main commodities in Petungkriyono District. The local community has long cultivated this coffee using traditional methods known as the umbaran system. In this system, coffee plants are grown randomly without regular spacing, mixed with other plants, and allowed to grow tall without pruning. This practice is often referred to as ‘Kopi Songgo Langit,’ as the coffee plants are left to reach heights of 8-12 meters.
Robusta coffee in Petungkriyono is believed to have originated from the Jolotigo Plantation in Talun District, a former colonial plantation established in 1875. Initially, Arabica coffee was cultivated, but after a leaf rust disease outbreak in 1876, robusta coffee was introduced due to its resistance to the disease. Most likely, the robusta coffee currently grown in Petungkriyono is from the first generation of seeds brought from l’Holticulture Coloniale Brussels, Belgium.
Although the umbaran system reflects the local wisdom and the community’s adaptation to their environment, the productivity of robusta coffee is very low. Often, only 100-300 kg of dry coffee is produced per hectare, far below the national average of 550 kg/ha/year. This low productivity is due to old tree age, lack of maintenance and fertilization, and overly dense shading.
The lancuran system is a technical approach that can increase the productivity of robusta coffee in Petungkriyono without compromising forest conservation. This system allows coffee to coexist with forest plants and wildlife, with simple modifications such as branch selection, branch bending, and plant maintenance.
In the lancuran system, only 2-4 branches are maintained to focus the plant’s energy on fruit production. Unproductive branches like cacing (worm branches), balik (branches growing back toward the main trunk), and lanang (branches growing upward on the primary branch) are pruned to optimize yield.
Branch bending is performed on orthotropic branches that grow from rejuvenation pruning. Branches are allowed to grow up to 1.5-2 meters before being bent horizontally to facilitate maintenance and harvesting.
Fertilization, which was previously rarely done, is now encouraged by using organic manure. Planting ground cover crops like cardamom or ginger is also recommended to prevent weed growth and provide additional income. In more open areas, planting shade trees such as avocado, durian, or citrus can help enhance coffee yields.
Revitalizing robusta coffee in Petungkriyono through the improved lancuran system can increase productivity without sacrificing forest conservation. By implementing these techniques, farmers can achieve better livelihoods while maintaining ecosystem balance. This approach not only benefits the economy but also supports environmental sustainability in Petungkriyono.
Meiardhy Mujianto
“Don’t spill my coffee because it’s my precious gem.”
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