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Advancing Tradition: Innovating Karo Massage Oil Towards Sustainable Business

Sustainable Biodiversity-Based Business

Karo Massage Oil, also known as Karo Laucih Oil, is a traditional massage oil originating from Karo, North Sumatra. This oil is made from various leaves, roots, and spices, including 11 types of spices and leaves, 7 types of bamboo roots, and 7 types of rattan roots. Traditionally, this oil is used to treat sprains, rheumatism, back pain, indigestion, swelling, and muscle aches, as well as having benefits for smoothing the skin due to its original coconut oil content.


The Indonesian Environmental Resilience Foundation, with support from the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), collaborates with the Women’s Group of Telagah Village in Langkat Regency, North Sumatra. This village, as a buffer village of Gunung Leuser National Park, is the focus of the Sustainable Biodiversity-Based Business initiative. This business model is developed and run by the local community, especially those living around high biodiversity forest areas. This initiative aims to utilize biodiversity sustainably by increasing the added value of products through innovation and diversification, as well as reducing pressure on natural populations and promoting ecological balance. In addition, this initiative also focuses on empowering local communities through capacity building and participation in natural resource management.


In the context of developing Karo Massage Oil, this initiative encourages product innovation by adding aromatherapy and essential oils to enhance the aroma appeal to consumers, as well as more attractive and hygienic packaging. By considering aspects of quality, packaging, and marketing, Karo Massage Oil has the potential to become a widely sought-after and sustainable product. This not only contributes to the local economy, the development of community traditions, and appreciation but also supports the conservation of biodiversity through a sustainable biodiversity-based business approach.



Meiardhy Mujianto

“A person who does not know their history, origins, and past culture is like a tree without roots.”

-Marcus Garvey

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Sustainable Biodiversity-Based Business
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