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Raising Awareness of Plastic Waste Management in Petungkriyono

Climate Movement

Plastic Waste Pollution in Petungkriyono

Plastic waste pollution is an environmental issue that not only often occurs in big cities but has now also reached villages, one of which is in the Petungkriyono District, Pekalongan Regency.


Most of the people in Petungkriyono do not manage their household waste properly, often discarding it directly into the river. The increasing population and modern lifestyle in rural areas have resulted in a large amount of plastic waste, which is the main cause of this problem. The Petungkriyono District is located in the mountains and is one of the important sources of water for the Pekalongan Regency. Therefore, if plastic waste pollution occurs in this mountainous area, it can affect the water quality in the areas below it. This highlights the seriousness of this issue in the environmental sector.


Concrete actions are needed in the field to inspire community awareness and change behavior related to plastic waste management. As a form of social and environmental responsibility, the Relung Indonesia Foundation has implemented various community empowerment programs in the Petungkriyono District, one of which is a campaign to reduce plastic waste in the Tlogopakis Village.


Relung’s Steps

Through mentoring programs, the Relung Indonesia Foundation invites the people in the Petungkriyono District, especially the younger generation, to manage waste properly and reduce plastic waste that pollutes the environment. Relung Indonesia has initiated a movement called “young plastic hunters”. This mentoring is done by providing education, training, and technical assistance to the community. It is hoped that in the future, there will be a collective awareness of the importance of preserving the earth through simple actions, such as cleaning up plastic waste in our surroundings.


The mentoring program conducted by the Relung Indonesia Foundation not only helps the people in the Petungkriyono District to address the problem of plastic waste pollution but also improves their quality of life. By reducing plastic waste that pollutes the environment, the Petungkriyono District becomes cleaner and healthier, and the people become more aware of the importance of protecting the environment.


If you are interested in supporting the mentoring program of the Resilience Environment Foundation in addressing the problem of plastic waste pollution in the Petungkriyono District, you can contact us through our official website at Let’s together protect the environment and improve the quality of life for the people in Petungkriyono!



Eka B. Panuntun

“Di mana pun kamu tinggal, kemungkinan besar, sampah adalah masalah besar. Lebih dari sembilan miliar ton sampah berakhir di lautan setiap tahun, dan sampah yang berakhir di luar TPA sering kali mengganggu ekosistem alam dan satwa liar.”


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