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+62 851-7544-2708
Sleman, Yogyakarta 55573
March 15, 2024
Improving access to basic needs for coastal communities, especially in the fishing villages of Sungsang and Karang Agung Ilir, has been achieved through the development of clean water supply using a rainwater harvesting (PAH) system equipped with a multi-level filtration system. Coastal areas often face difficulties in obtaining clean water, and this is also the case in Sungsang and KAI. The quality of Musi River water is no longer suitable for consumption, especially during the dry season, when the river water mixes with seawater. This is compounded by pollution from household waste and waste from community activities.
The Sungsang and KAI communities previously collected rainwater in traditional containers such as barrels and buckets, but this was not always sufficient for their needs, especially during the long dry season, so they had to buy clean water. To address this issue, Relung Indonesia together with Penabulu introduced a rainwater harvesting method with a ‘Gama Filter’ filtration system that had been developed in several water-scarce areas. The difference between the previous traditional water collection method and the Gama Filter method is that the water collected is much cleaner and ready to use because it goes through 4 stages of filtration. This method was then tested in several locations such as 6 village offices, 2 sub-district offices, and 1 elementary school in Banyuasin II.
The positive impact of this initiative is evident. In village and sub-district offices, the availability of clean water has reduced the cost of buying bottled water and provided an adequate water supply during the dry season. The community, seeing this initiative, is interested in adopting it, although one of the challenges is that some key items must be ordered from outside the region as there are no local sellers. In elementary schools, the PAH installation has provided access to clean water for sanitation and drinking purposes for students and teachers, as well as meeting handwashing needs to comply with COVID-19 health protocols.
The development of a rainwater harvesting system with multi-level filtration has had a significant positive impact on improving access to basic needs such as clean water for coastal communities in Sungsang and KAI. This step not only provides better access to clean water but also reduces dependence on bottled water and increases awareness of environmental sustainability.
Sunaring Kurniandaru
“In one drop of water are found all the secrets of all the seas; in one aspect of all the aspects of existence are found.”
-Kahlil Gibran
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