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Sleman, Yogyakarta 55573
March 18, 2024
Social media has become a powerful tool in promoting natural tourist attractions. Natural phenomena such as waterfalls, landscapes, rivers, and forests are the subjects of amateur photography and videography uploaded to social media. These uploads serve as effective promotional media, bridging the gap between consumers and the natural attractions they intend to visit.
Many previously unknown locations have become popular tourist destinations as a result of viral posts on social media. This phenomenon has been seen as an economic opportunity by local communities, who utilize these attractions for ecotourism. Typically, the development of tourist attractions begins with the establishment of parking lots, the setting up of stalls offering food and beverages, and then organized in the form of tourism committees.
This phenomenon also occurs around Mount Ungaran. Based on study data, there are at least 9 tourist attractions in the Mount Ungaran area that are known to the public. Among these attractions, there are 4 that utilize the protected forest area, either in part or in whole, namely:
The development of ecotourism in the Gunung Ungaran Protected Forest not only provides an alternative livelihood for the surrounding communities but also ensures the preservation of the forest’s protective function. This is a real example of how we can coexist with nature in a mutually beneficial way. Therefore, it is important to maintain a balance between utilization and preservation in the Gunung Ungaran Protected Forest.
Meiardhy Mujianto
“If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.”
-Vincent Van Gogh
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