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Sleman, Yogyakarta 55573
April 24, 2024
Fishing is often associated with a leisure activity that seems to waste time, typically done by people with plenty of free time (read: unemployed). The fishing mentioned here is not about tuna fishing by fishermen at sea or fishing as seen on television with sophisticated equipment and expensive costs. Fishing here refers to the activity of community members to fill their leisure time, usually done at beaches, rivers, or reservoirs with simple equipment.
Looking at the motives of these anglers in engaging in this activity, they vary widely, ranging from simply filling their spare time (escaping from problems at home), seeking food for their families, or even making a living.
The development of this fishing activity has attracted an increasing number of enthusiasts, especially in the Yogyakarta Special Region, leading to the emergence of various fishing communities. Through the initiative of several fishing enthusiasts, the Mancing Mania Jogja (MMJ) community was formed. MMJ’s membership comes from individuals and various smaller communities.
MMJ members themselves have begun to feel the benefits of rivers in their lives. They have started to realize the importance of preserving rivers as fish habitats. In its development, MMJ has become a community that cares about the conservation of river ecosystems. Various activities beyond fishing are carried out by this community, such as planting fish fry in rivers, and others. What is remarkable is that all these activities are carried out independently with the contributions of its members.
“Guyub” (harmonious) and “gembira” (joyful) are perhaps two words that can describe the atmosphere of the MMJ community. This impression is also reflected in the logo they designed. Its members seem to be bound by a pleasant feeling as fellow fishing enthusiasts. Hopefully, this atmosphere can grow into a social energy that continues to provide benefits for the community and the environment, especially the aquatic ecosystems in Yogyakarta.
Anang Sabtoni
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