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Commemoration of World Environment Day in Sintang District: Recognition for Environmental Commitment

Climate Movement,Digital Climate Action

The Sintang District Environmental Agency held a commemoration of World Environment Day on Wednesday, June 12, 2024. The event took place at SDN Nenak Tembulan Sintang and involved various stakeholders, including the Sintang District Forkopimda, local companies, development partners, and NGOs operating in the Sintang region. The aim of this event was to raise awareness of the importance of greening and the participation of all elements of society in preserving the environment.

Tree planting with students of Sintang District.

Tree Planting Activity at SDN Nenak Tembulan Sintang

The main agenda of the 2024 World Environment Day commemoration in Sintang District was the planting of 200 trees at SDN Nenak Tembulan. The goal of this tree planting activity is to instill a love for the environment from an early age in young students, thus creating environmentally conscious generations. Moreover, the location of SDN Nenak Tembulan is a former gold mining site that needs to be reforested.

This tree planting is one of the efforts to address climate change and restore damaged ecosystem functions. This activity also symbolizes cooperation between the government, the private sector, and civil society organizations in supporting sustainable environmental programs.

Innovation and Principles of Justice in Addressing the Climate Crisis

The theme of this year’s World Environment Day, as promoted by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), is “Resolving the Climate Crisis with Innovation and Principles of Justice.” This theme is in line with the global theme of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which is “Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience.” Through this theme, it is hoped that various innovations and fair policies will emerge to address the increasingly tangible impacts of climate change.

The selection of this theme demonstrates Indonesia’s commitment to supporting land restoration, preventing desertification, and enhancing resilience to drought. Technological innovation and active participation of all segments of society are crucial to achieving these goals. The government also calls on all parties to implement principles of justice in every effort to manage the environment, so that its benefits can be felt by the entire society, especially those vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Awards for Schools, Companies, and Development Partners

In addition to tree planting activities, the commemoration of World Environment Day in Sintang also included the presentation of awards to various parties that have shown commitment to environmental management. Schools that implement good environmental management received awards, as did companies that are disciplined in reporting on environmental management and monitoring.

Development partners and NGOs actively participating in supporting environmental management in Sintang District also received recognition. Relung Indonesia, through the Terra-CF BPDLH Program, which strengthens the capacity of indigenous communities in managing the Dayak Seberuang Riam Batu and Dayak Seberuang Kampung Ansok Customary Forests, was one of the recipients of these awards. Other NGOs that received awards include AMAN Sintang, FKMS, and Rainforest Alliance. These awards are expected to motivate all parties to continue contributing to the preservation of the environment in Sintang District.


Astarina Eka Dewi

“Pelajari alam, cintai alam, berdekatanlah dengan alam karena alam tidak akan pernah mengecewakanmu.”


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Climate Movement,Digital Climate Action
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