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Strategic Partnership for Strengthening Indigenous Community in Customary Forest Management

Basic service access and quality improvement for communities

Strategic Partnership for Strengthening Indigenous Community in Customary Forest Management: Concrete Steps Through a Joint Agreement between Relung Indonesia and the Sintang District Government

On May 21, 2024, the Sintang District Government signed a Joint Agreement with four development partners, namely Relung Indonesia, CU Bima, LBBT, and Gemilang. The signing event took place at SDN 12 Jerora, Sintang District, Sintang Regency, coinciding with the implementation of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program by the Credit Union Savings and Loan Cooperative Community Development (KSP CU Bima) Sintang. The main objective of this Joint Agreement is to synergize programs, activities, and resources of the involved parties to support the acceleration of the government’s targets related to the recognition and protection of customary institutions and the management of customary forests in Sintang District.


This agreement also supports the development approach of Sintang District known as the penthahelix model, which involves the government, private sector, academia, media, and civil society (NGOs). The penthahelix approach involving various sectors is believed to strengthen cooperation between the local government of Sintang District and development partners, thus creating more inclusive and sustainable development. Through the involvement of various parties, it is hoped that the implemented programs can be more effective and targeted.


The Joint Agreement between Relung Indonesia and the Sintang District Government focuses on strengthening the capacity of indigenous communities in customary forest management in the region. The main objective of this agreement is to encourage the recognition and protection of customary institutions, as well as to enhance the ability of indigenous communities to sustainably manage their customary forests. Through the Social Forestry scheme, indigenous communities are given access and opportunities to utilize customary forest areas, which not only help preserve the environment but also support sustainable community economic development.


Furthermore, this agreement also includes support for the use of sustainable commodities that can improve the welfare of communities without damaging the forest ecosystem. Relung Indonesia and the Sintang District Government are committed to facilitating the drafting and approval of plans for Indigenous Communities (ICs), including those planning to form Social Forestry Business Groups (KUPS). Activities such as seminars, workshops, and other meetings will be held together to share information, strengthen partnerships, and promote effective cooperation in protecting forest areas, strengthening indigenous communities, and supporting sustainable development in Sintang District.


This Joint Agreement is a concrete step in the effort to strengthen the capacity of indigenous communities in customary forest management in Sintang District. Through this agreement, it is hoped that the management of customary forests can be done more effectively, thus supporting sustainable development in the region.


Yudistira Soeherman

Another reference:

“Every person’s abilities can be strengthened or enhanced by culture.”‘

-John Abbot

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Basic service access and quality improvement for communities
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